2010年10月31日 星期日

Rowenta 吸塵機

初為人妻,唔可以剩係識扮靚嘅, 家庭電器唔少得!

最近同朋友傾開家居問題, 朋友用steamer清潔屋企,一清之下, 成桶清水變成灰色...... 我都係時後諗諗屋企須要一次大掃除。

上forum了解Rainbow Cleansing System嘅評價,部份用家認為對鼻敏感有改善,有D話好嘈,有D話無用。沽勿論呢部機有無用,索價兩萬多就事實的確係貴..... 後來睇咗條片比較Rainbow同Miele所噴出嘅空氣, Rainbow嘅效果跤遜. 於是索性去了解Miele實物情況.

去到永安,店員力銷Rowenta嘅新model。先compare該model同Miele,該model叫 Intensium ECO R6652

With its two levels of separation, the High Separation Cyclonic Technology; separates 99% of the dust from the inlet air and maintains dust removal performance at all times*.

Recycled: the packaging and instructions are mostly made from recycled paper and board (90% for the packaging and 100% for the instructions). Recyclable: at the end of its life, 80% of the materials that comprise the vacuum cleaner can be reused to manufacture other products.

Easy to empty without any contact with the dust! The dust compartment is separate from the ‘High Separation Cyclonic Technology’ system which makes it possible to empty it without contact with the dust.

Thanks to the ‘High Separation Cyclonic Technology’, the dust removal performances remain optimal at all times. Because 99% of the dust is in the tank, only 1% of the dust is stopped by the filters. The filters remain clean longer. Dust collection performances can be maintained*.

• Power : 1450 W / 31 Kpa / 33dm3/s
• Hepa filter 13
• Dust container capacity: 1,2 L
• Weight : 5kg
• Accessories: crevice tool, upholstery nozzle , softcare parquet nozzle , mini Turbobrush
• Telescopic metal tubes 


吸塵機本身包3個把,  機身只有一粒開關掣,唔同function用唔同嘅把, 例如床褥呀窗簾呢D布類可用一個, 吸地嘅用一個, 咁就衛生D

吸完梳化, 床褥同窗簾嘅成果,  佢用cyclonic分塵原理, 將D塵壓實聚响底. 話壓實, 但都有D飛塵風中轉. 

部機雖然係慳電程式, 但都頗嘈, 同埋每用10-15分鐘要小休片刻, 防止燒壞膽. 雖然唔係一部完美吸塵機, 但以10% of Rainbow嘅價錢, 我覺得ok啦!

1. 慳到電
2. 能吸到99.97%嘅塵, 包括稱蟎
3. 唔洗額外買其他配件, 除咗HEPA filter須要約1年換一次

1. 嘈
2. 每10-15分鐘要關機休息
3. 有小量塵壓唔實而導致"飛塵風中轉"

